Drents-Friese Wold National Park

Drents-Friese Wold National Park

Enjoy without limits
Wold without borders with a surprising variety of forest and drifting sand….
On the border of Southwest Drenthe and Southeast Friesland, lies a special area. The Drents-Friese Wold National Park is one of the largest nature reserves in the Netherlands. In 2000, more than 6000 hectares of forest, heathland, shifting sands and stream valley grasslands were designated a National Park. The Drents-Friese Wold is one of the most beautiful and important nature reserves in Europe and has therefore been designated as a Natura2000 area.

To walk
More than 130 kilometers of hiking trails are available in the Drents-Friese Wold, divided over more than 30 marked circular walks. These walks can also be found on the hiking map of the national park. This card is for sale at the visitor centers, TIP offices and various recreation companies. There are information boards along two nature trails that give you more insight into the nature along the walking route. The  TIPs also include described walking routes for sale, including through Berkenheuvel.

The Drents-Friese Wold has an intricate network of cycle paths. Cycle paths can be divided into 3 categories; paved trails, semi-paved trails and sandy trails for mountain bikes. The paved paths of asphalt and concrete are about 2 meters wide, the semi-paved paths of shells or sand-concrete mix are narrower. Off-road cycling is only allowed on unpaved paths that are part of a route. There is about 50 km of route for mountain bike routes.